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bogor agricultural institute造句

  • The Bogor Agricultural Institute graduate started his career at the central bank in 1965 as a clerk in the general economics department.
  • In 1903 he established the " Buitenzorg Landbouw Hogeschool ", a school that later evolved into the Bogor Agricultural Institute.
  • The mangrove planting, organized by the School of Fisheries of Bogor Agricultural Institute, was held in Cikeong, Karawang, West Java, last Sunday.
  • The remaining US $ 125, 862 will be given to the Ministry of Forestry's Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Preservation and the Bogor Agricultural Institute to draw up national guidelines on how to protect tropical forests against fire.
  • The project, a collaboration between the German Primate Center and the Bogor Agricultural Institute, is run by Antje Engelhardt and located in the Tangkoko reserve, home of the biggest crested macaque population remaining in the species'original distribution range.
  • As just one example, in a well publicised case, one of Indonesia's leading universities, the Bogor Agricultural Institute, was instructed by the Supreme Court to release certain details of controversial research conducted within the institute relating to the testing of formula milk brands on sale in Indonesia.
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